Loyalty Cards Terms & Conditions TFB Gym Ltd. Loyalty Cards Terms & Conditions These Terms & Conditions apply to all "Loyalty" cards (including "Discount", "Pre-Pay", "Cash" and "Reward" cards) issued by TFB Gym Ltd. including, but not limited to, those specifically mentioned below: 1. General 1.1 Loyalty cards must be presented at time of transaction (purchase or claim of pre-paid goods) to be stamped by a staff member of TFB Gym Ltd. in order to accumulate/redeem loyalty points. 1.2 Loyalty cards will not be stamped retrospectively for any transaction. 1.3 Loyalty cards are regarded as complete when each space has been filled with a valid stamp, at which point cards must be retained by TFB Gym Ltd.. 1.4 Loyalty cards are deemed invalid (and therefore may not be stamped or redeemed) without: a) a signature of a staff member of TFB Gym Ltd., b) the member's name, and c) the issue date of the card. 1.5 Loyalty cards are valid for a period of 1 year from the issue date denoted on the card. 1.6 Loyalty cards are only deemed valid with the official TFB Gym Ltd. loyalty stamp denoting accumulated/redeemed points. 1.7 Loyalty points may only be accumulated/redeemed by the individual named on the card. 1.8 Loyalty cards may only be exchanged for goods or discounts by the individual named on the card. 1.9 TFB Gym Ltd. will not replace any loyalty cards which are reported as lost or stolen. 1.10 TFB Gym Ltd. may replace any damaged (e.g. ripped or torn) loyalty cards (complete with accumulated/redeemed points) at their discretion, in exchange for the damaged card, providing it is deemed sufficiently legible. 1.11 Loyalty card schemes are temporary promotional offers and may be withdrawn at any time. 1.12 Loyalty cards may not be combined with any other offer, including other loyalty cards. 1.13 TFB Gym Ltd. reserves the right to alter or amend these terms & conditions without notice. 2. Special Terms and Conditions Relating to "£5 Discount Loyalty Cards" 2.1 "£5 Discount Loyalty Cards" will only be issued to members of TFB Gym Ltd., with a current membership subscription or active PAYG account (refer to membership terms & conditions). 2.2 Completed "£5 Discount Loyalty Cards" may only be exchanged for a discount by members of TFB Gym Ltd., with a current membership subscription or active PAYG account (refer to membership terms & conditions). 2.3 A member will accumulate 1 loyalty point (indicated by the official TFB Gym Ltd. loyalty stamp) for every whole £10 spent on eligible goods at TFB Gym Ltd.. 2.4 Loyalty points can only be accumulated for goods purchased at the reception desk of TFB Gym Ltd. (i.e. excludes vending machines). 2.5 Loyalty points can only be accumulated for the following types of goods: supplements, shakes, drinks, protein bars, clothing and workout accessories. 2.6 Completed loyalty cards can only be exchanged for a discount on the following types of goods: supplements, shakes, drinks, protein bars, clothing and workout accessories. 2.7 Loyalty points cannot be accumulated for purchases of membership services, including, but not limited to: membership subscriptions, pay-as-you-go top-ups, sunbed tokens, therapies, personal training, corporate services, food plans and diet advice . 2.8 Completed loyalty cards cannot be exchanged for discounts against membership services, including, but not limited to: membership subscriptions, pay-as-you-go top-ups, sunbed tokens, therapies, personal training, corporate services, food plans and diet advice. 2.9 A completed loyalty card may be exchanged for a £5 discount which will be applied to a single purchase of eligible products which exceeds a value of £5. 2.10 A completed loyalty card may be exchanged for a discount of less than £5 against a purchase which has a value of less than £5, in which case the remainder of the discount is voided and will not be refunded, nor applied to any subsequent purchases. 2.11 Discounts will only be redeemed in exchanged for completed loyalty cards; no partial discounts will be offered. 2.12 Completed loyalty cards will not be exchanged for cash. 3. Special Terms and Conditions Relating to "Pre-workout and Shake Pre-pay Loyalty Cards" 3.1 "Pre-workout and Shake Pre-pay Loyalty Cards" will only be sold to members of TFB Gym Ltd., with a current membership subscription or active PAYG account (refer to membership terms & conditions). 3.2 "Pre-workout and Shake Pre-pay Loyalty Card" points may only be exchanged for goods by members of TFB Gym Ltd., with a current membership subscription or active PAYG account (refer to membership terms & conditions). 3.3 A member will redeem 1 loyalty point (indicated by the official TFB Gym Ltd. loyalty stamp) for every eligible pre-workout or protein shake drink claimed. 3.4 Pre-pay loyalty card points are only exchangeable for pre-workout and protein shake drinks with a retail price of no more than £2. 4. Special Terms and Conditions Relating to "Fitness Class Pre-pay Loyalty Cards" 4.1 A club user will redeem 1 loyalty point (indicated by the official TFB Gym Ltd. loyalty stamp) for every class they attend. 4.2 Pre-pay fitness card points are only exchangeable for classes with a non-member price of no more than £4.50. 4.3 Normal late cancellation policy for classes applies to "Fitness Class Pre-pay Loyalty Cards" (refer to membership terms & conditions). We reserve the right to redeem a loyalty point for any class booking cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. 5. Special Terms and Conditions Relating to "Refer a Friend Cash Cards" 5.1 A club user will earn 1 loyalty point (indicated by the official TFB Gym Ltd. loyalty stamp) for each new member (see point 5.1.1) they refer (see point 5.1.2) who signs up (see point 5.1.3) to membership of the club. 5.1.1 A "new member" is defined as a person who has not been a member of TFB Gym Ltd. within the previous 12 months. 5.1.2 The referring club user must be specified as such no later than the point at which the new member's first attendance at the club (e.g. free taster session, induction, orientation, program or studio class booking) is arranged. 5.1.3 A new member "signing up" is defined as a member setting up a Direct Debit membership subscription, or paying in advance for a block of 3 or more months of membership. 5.2 Each loyalty point is redeemed in the form of £5 credited to the referring club user's account and can be used to discount membership subscription or for the purchase of drinks, food or services at TFB Gym Ltd.. 5.3 Club credit issued under this promotion is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash either in part or full. 5.4 Any club user who receives 10 loyalty points for referring 10 new members will receive a bonus of £50 club credit subject to the same conditions above. 5.5 This offer is limited to 10 referrals per club user.